Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I gave this exercise 2 days to really sink in. This site is a little less sensory-stimulating and so it really took a lot of digging around to get a firm grasp on what the site had to offer. Although I still am a bit weary of it (and annoyed by the site's spelling) I do understand how one could benefit from Delicious for research.

I know many time while I was in college I was surfing Google and other search engines in order to find very specific information. A lot of the browsing I did led to dead ends, not because Google is not an effective search tool, but a lot of times specificity can lend itself to unintended results. Using Delicious I can see how using tagging and a bit of know-how could really cut down on the amount of time one may spend on searching the web. If others have already done the browsing and chosen a website based on its relevance, why spend more time?

Not bad, I say!

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